Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
11/21/2023 - 6:00 PM  
Instruction & Programs - Votes  
16.4 Approval of a Research and Data Sharing Agreement between the Newark Board of Education and Harvard Extension School - Harvard University  
Strategic Plans:
Priority 2.3
2.3 Develop a cognitive-learning approach to pedagogy and instruction that deepens understanding of the science of learning and centralizes knowledge building as core to improving the academic achievement of all students, including English language learners, students with special needs, and struggling learners.
File Attachment:
Whereas the researcher would like to conduct a repeat of the study on the impact of a 3-week remedial summer program on Fractions set at Bard Early College High School. During this iteration, it would happen in January/February. In order to study the effectiveness of the program, the researcher would like to administer a pre- and post-test on the students' ability to respond to questions related to fractions. In addition to the pre- and post-tests, the researcher would like to conduct observations of students working together to further round out the evaluation.  
Funding :
At no cost to the district  
Recommendation to the Board
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Newark Board of Education approve the Research and Data Sharing Agreement between the Harvard Extension School - Harvard University and the Newark Board of Education.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Diana Da Silva - Supervisor
Signed By:  
Dr. Mary Ann Reilly - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:  
Brenda Liss - General Counsel
Signed By:  
Roger León - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member A'Dorian Murray-Thomas Moved, Member Josephine Garcia seconded to approve the Original motion 'Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Newark Board of Education approve the Research and Data Sharing Agreement between the Harvard Extension School - Harvard University and the Newark Board of Education.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 8 - 0
Josephine Garcia     Yes
Dawn Haynes     Yes
A'Dorian Murray-Thomas     Yes
Hasani Council     Yes
Vereliz Santana     Yes
Daniel Gonzalez     Yes
Crystal Williams     Yes
Allison K. James-Frison     Yes