Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
11/21/2023 - 6:00 PM  
Instruction & Programs - Votes  
16.2 Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between The Collaboration and Partnership with Dream Chasers Community Services, LLC., Federally/ State Qualified Pre-ETS Provider and the Newark Board of Education  
Strategic Plans:
Priority 5.5
5.5 Support student transitions to minimize interruptions in student learning, including transition plans for new students, grade- level transitions, students returning from juvenile facilities, special education students, and school transfers.
File Attachment:
A Resolution Approving the Scope of Services in the Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") between Dream Chasers Community Services, LLC., Federally/ State Qualified Pre-ETS Provider and the Newark Board of Education

WHEREAS, the Memorandum of Understanding between Dream Chasers Community Services, LLC., Federally/ State Qualified Pre-ETS Provider and the Newark Board of Education (the "Board") outlines a comprehensive scope of services for a collaborative partnership, and

WHEREAS, Partner is licensed and registered in the State of New Jersey to engage in the business of providing Pre-Employment Transition Services to students with an IEP or 504 Plan; and

WHEREAS, Partner’s staff has the education, certification, training and/or work experience in this area so as to be able to provide services responsibly; and

WHEREAS, the specific services offered by the Partner include an opportunity to collaborate with participating students, provide vocational evaluations, job exploration counseling, work readiness training, counseling for post-secondary opportunities, opportunity for each student to participate in a work-based Learning (internship) experience, and job coaching to students as they participate in a Work-based learning experience.
Funding :
No Cost to District  
Recommendation to the Board
Now therefore, be it resolved that the Newark Board of Education approve this Memorandum of Understanding between Dream Chasers Community Services, LLC and the Newark Board of Education.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Carol Quinn - Business Analyst
Signed By:  
Marilyn Mitchell - Deputy Executive Director
Signed By:  
Brenda Liss - General Counsel
Signed By:  
Roger León - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member A'Dorian Murray-Thomas Moved, Member Josephine Garcia seconded to approve the Original motion 'Now therefore, be it resolved that the Newark Board of Education approve this Memorandum of Understanding between Dream Chasers Community Services, LLC and the Newark Board of Education.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 8 - 0
Josephine Garcia     Yes
Dawn Haynes     Yes
A'Dorian Murray-Thomas     Yes
Hasani Council     Yes
Vereliz Santana     Yes
Daniel Gonzalez     Yes
Crystal Williams     Yes
Allison K. James-Frison     Yes