Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
9/28/2023 - 6:00 PM  
11.16 Cafeteria Food Items II Purchasing Reference 9786  
Strategic Plans:
Priority 1.1
1.1 Organize and align departments and resources to support district priorities, strategies, and initiatives.
Cafeteria Food Items II award summary
Cafeteria Food Items II award analysis
File Attachment:
WHEREAS, quotations were electronically received on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 after public advertisement for Cafeteria Food Items II. Request for quotations were issued to twenty-eight (28) vendors with two (2) vendors responding; and

WHEREAS, in accordance of NJSA 18A:18A-5a (6), the District is authorized to award a contract without public advertisement for food supplies; and

WHEREAS, the pricing submitted by Nardone is rejected as this vendor declined submission of a signed quotation; and

WHEREAS, the District’s request for quotation and the vendor’s response will become the contract; and

WHEREAS, the contract term is October 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024; and

WHEREAS, the recommendation for award of term contract has been reviewed and approved by Elayier Pickett, Interim Director of Food and Nutrition Services.
Funding :
Subject to availability of funds.
Recommendation to the Board
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Newark Board of Education accepts and approves the award of term contract for Cafeteria Food Items II for a term of October 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 as follows:

Jamac Frozen Food, Jersey City, NJ at a cost not to exceed $200,000.00

EXPLANATION: To provide the students of the Newark Board of Education with a fresh, nutritious and balanced meal.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Susan Balbosa - Contract Administrator 2
Signed By:  
Ty-Shanique Addison - Principal Fiscal Analyst
Signed By:  
Elayier Pickett - Interim Director of Food and Nutrition Services one
Signed By:  
Sherelle Spriggs - Senior Purchasing Manager
Signed By:  
Valerie Wilson - School Business Administrator
Signed By:  
Roger León - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Daniel Gonzalez Moved, Member Josephine Garcia seconded to approve the Original motion 'NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Newark Board of Education accepts and approves the award of term contract for Cafeteria Food Items II for a term of October 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 as follows:

Jamac Frozen Food, Jersey City, NJ at a cost not to exceed $200,000.00

EXPLANATION: To provide the students of the Newark Board of Education with a fresh, nutritious and balanced meal.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 7 - 0
Josephine Garcia     Yes
Dawn Haynes     Yes
A'Dorian Murray-Thomas     Yes
Hasani Council     Yes
Daniel Gonzalez     Yes
Crystal Williams     Yes
Allison K. James-Frison     Yes