Priority 1.1
1.1 Organize and align departments and resources to support district priorities, strategies, and initiatives.
Priority 1.2
1.2 Adopt a sustainable fiscal strategy and operating budget that is aligned with the strategic plan and drives district priorities.
Priority 1.3
1.3 Build and implement a district-wide data warehouse complete with multi-source information and unified business rules that support real-time data integration, quality control, and data mining and analytics to improve achievement, instructional practice, and organizational efficacy.
Priority 1.4
1.4 Attract and recruit highly effective and qualified staff who are excellent matches for the district, develop a pipeline of candidates for hard-to-fill areas, and provide support to all employees that enables and empowers them to fulfill their role in our mission.
Priority 1.5
1.5 Develop a capital strategy aligned with the Long-Range Facilities Plan and strategic plan to modernize all facilities, and plan for enrollment projections, academic programs, and community needs.
Priority 1.6
1.6 Create a district-wide equity framework to promote equity in all systems, policies, procedures, and practices; close existing gaps in opportunity, access, achievement, expectations, and resources; and eliminate race and class as predictors of student success.
Priority 1.7
1.7 Develop and implement a Hybrid Learning Plan that establishes policies, procedures, and practices for all areas of district operations, articulating how the district operates in-person and virtually as well as during extended closings.
Priority 2.1
2.1 Develop and implement a pre-K through grade 12 inclusive curricula and assessments that elevate historically marginalized voices, strengthen and sustain a focus on the instructional core, and provide opportunities to learn about perspectives beyond one’s own scope.
Priority 2.2
2.2 Develop a digital learning platform that enables students, teachers, and caregivers to actively engage with educational content in classroom or virtual settings.
Priority 2.3
2.3 Develop a cognitive-learning approach to pedagogy and instruction that deepens understanding of the science of learning and centralizes knowledge building as core to improving the academic achievement of all students, including English language learners, students with special needs, and struggling learners.
Priority 2.4
2.4 Implement a district-wide assessment system that is aligned to curricula, integrates multiple measures, and allows accessibility and modifications for students with disabilities and English language learners.
Priority 2.5
2.5 Integrate social-emotional learning (SEL) into the instructional program through curriculum design and professional development.
Priority 2.6
2.6 Ensure curricula for college and career programs are executed with fidelity across all schools, increase the integration of academic core instruction into Career and Technological Education (CTE) programs of study, and provide higher education and internship opportunities.
Priority 3.1
3.1 Communicate a shared vision and plan for developing, supporting, and sustaining positive culture and climate in all classrooms,
schools, and departments across the district.
Priority 3.2
3.2 Implement processes and practices to infuse a collaborative, equity-driven, and responsive culture and promote communication and
trust throughout the system.
Priority 3.3
3.3 Build the capacity of the Office of Student Life, including all necessary staff and resources, to support the development of collaborative
and learning-driven cultures in all schools and departments.
Priority 3.4
3.4 Establish an array of ongoing and diverse opportunities for staff, parents, students, and partners to plan for strategies to connect
learning to students’ lives and promote student learning in the community.
Priority 3.5
3.5 Develop district-wide practices, activities, and norms that promote social and civic responsibility and a district commitment to social
Priority 4.1
4.1 Provide the Office of Staff Development and other central office departments the necessary staff and resources to create a districtwide culture of continuous learning and the fiscal support to provide professional development for all employees, both instructional
and non-instructional, as well as extended-learning opportunities for parents and guardians.
Priority 4.2
4.2 Adopt standards for professional development and continuous learning to guide the design, evaluation, and funding of professional
and extended-learning opportunities provided to educators, district employees, partners, and families.
Priority 4.3
4.3 Implement a district-wide Leadership Pipeline to guide the identification, preparation, selection, placement, and retention of school
leaders for the Newark Public Schools.
Priority 4.4
4.4 Create a Professional Development School (PDS) to serve as a strong vehicle for educational change and innovation.
Priority 4.5
4.5 Continue to implement Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to guide the continuous improvement of learning outcomes for all students.
Priority 4.6
4.6 Build capacity to provide technology-based professional development and continuous learning opportunities.
Priority 4.7
4.7 Implement a Parent University that includes a system-wide learning program to provide resources, learning opportunities, and
linkages for ongoing parent and family involvement and community engagement that supports student learning.
Priority 5.1
5.1 Ensure the continuous alignment of the Office of Student Life and school-based Student Support Teams (SSTs) with best practices, research, and policy for comprehensive student supports.
Priority 5.2
5.2 Build and strengthen capacity across the district to provide an array of student support services and to continuously plan for,
implement, and evaluate student supports in schools and at the district level.
Priority 5.3
5.3 Implement prevention and early intervention strategies that include a full continuum of services to address the basic needs of all students in classrooms and schools in order to decrease the need for higher-level services.
Priority 5.4
5.4 Strengthen and amplify specialized assistance, crisis, and emergency support, including procedures and services necessary for crisis and emergency situations and specialized assistance programs for students and families with intensive special needs.
Priority 5.5
5.5 Support student transitions to minimize interruptions in student learning, including transition plans for new students, grade- level
transitions, students returning from juvenile facilities, special education students, and school transfers.
Priority 5.6
5.6 Collaborate with community stakeholders to implement the Healthy and Ready to Learn Plan to ensure immunizations, physicals,
and other health and child development screenings are up to date, children are meeting developmental milestones, and early childhood needs are being addressed with high-quality interventions and care.
Priority 6.1
6.1 Establish and staff the Office of Strategic Partnerships to enhance the district’s and schools’ engagement with the many external
organizations that provide resources, programs, and supports to schools and students.
Priority 6.2
6.2 Implement a partnership framework that communicates a vision for mutually beneficial and accountable partnerships, strengthens
relational ties, and integrates partnership evaluation.
Priority 6.3
6.3 Create a public “Children, Youth, and Families Compact” identifying common goals and formalizing shared commitment across the ecosystem to collectively attain the identified goals.
Priority 6.4
6.4 Develop and implement a strategy for collaboration with local and national philanthropic organizations.