Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 8/22/2024 - 6:00 PM
Category: Purchasing
Type: Action
Subject: 10.49 Award of High School Financial Literacy Instructional Materials Contract 9894
Strategic Plans:
Priority 2.1
2.1 Develop and implement a pre-K through grade 12 inclusive curricula and assessments that elevate historically marginalized voices, strengthen and sustain a focus on the instructional core, and provide opportunities to learn about perspectives beyond one’s own scope.
Enclosure Evaluation Report
File Attachment:
9894 High School Financial Literacy Instructional Materials Evaluation Report FINAL.pdf
Summary: WHEREAS, proposals were electronically received in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-4.5 on Friday, August 2, 2024 after public advertisement for High School Financial Literacy Instructional Materials. Request for proposals were issued to eleven (11) vendors with nine (9) vendors responding; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with N.J.S.A.18A:18A-2(y), the proposal submitted by Study Smart Tutors, Inc. is rejected and deemed unresponsive as this vendor failed to submit a signed proposal; and

WHEREAS, the District desires instructional material and program providers who can support educators in the effective delivery of the core ideas to meet the New Jersey performance expectations in Financial Literacy as defined in the 2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills, 9.1 Financial Literacy; and

WHEREAS, the contract shall be for a two (2) year period of September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2026, with an option to renew for one (1) successive two (2) year period; and

WHEREAS, proposals were evaluated by staff members of the Newark Board of Education and the committee selected the finalists identified below as the best qualified vendors based on their response to the District’s request for proposal; and

WHEREAS, the recommendation for award of term contracts was reviewed and approved by Carynne Conover, Director of Social Studies.
Funding : Subject to the availability of funds.
Recommendation to the Board: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Newark Board of Education accepts and approves the award of term contract for High School Financial Literacy Instructional Materials for a two (2) year period commencing September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2026 with the option to renew for one (1) additional two (2) year period as follows:

A. EVERFI Inc. Charleston, SC at no cost to the district

B. McGraw Hill LLC, Columbus, OH at a cost not to exceed $510,000.00

EXPLANATION: To purchase financial literacy instructional materials.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Karen Blessing - Contract Administrator 1
Signed By:
Ty-Shanique Addison - Principal Fiscal Analyst
Signed By:
Sylvia Esteves - Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning
Signed By:
Yolonda Severe - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:
Sherelle Spriggs - Director Support Services
Signed By:
Valerie Wilson - School Business Administrator
Signed By:
Roger León - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Daniel Gonzalez Moved, Member Kanileah Anderson seconded to approve the Original motion 'NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Newark Board of Education accepts and approves the award of term contract for High School Financial Literacy Instructional Materials for a two (2) year period commencing September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2026 with the option to renew for one (1) additional two (2) year period as follows:

A. EVERFI Inc. Charleston, SC at no cost to the district

B. McGraw Hill LLC, Columbus, OH at a cost not to exceed $510,000.00

EXPLANATION: To purchase financial literacy instructional materials.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 7 - 0
Josephine Garcia     Yes
Hasani Council     Yes
Daniel Gonzalez     Yes
Crystal Williams     Yes
Allison K. James-Frison     Yes
Kanileah Anderson     Yes
Helena Vinhas     Yes