Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 2/29/2024 - 6:00 PM
Category: Purchasing
Type: Action
Subject: 12.28 Award of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Endorsement Courses Contract 9856
Strategic Plans:
Priority 1.1
1.1 Organize and align departments and resources to support district priorities, strategies, and initiatives.
Priority 2.3
2.3 Develop a cognitive-learning approach to pedagogy and instruction that deepens understanding of the science of learning and centralizes knowledge building as core to improving the academic achievement of all students, including English language learners, students with special needs, and struggling learners.
Priority 3.4
3.4 Establish an array of ongoing and diverse opportunities for staff, parents, students, and partners to plan for strategies to connect learning to students’ lives and promote student learning in the community.
Priority 4.1
4.1 Provide the Office of Staff Development and other central office departments the necessary staff and resources to create a districtwide culture of continuous learning and the fiscal support to provide professional development for all employees, both instructional and non-instructional, as well as extended-learning opportunities for parents and guardians.
Priority 5.3
5.3 Implement prevention and early intervention strategies that include a full continuum of services to address the basic needs of all students in classrooms and schools in order to decrease the need for higher-level services.
Priority 6.2
6.2 Implement a partnership framework that communicates a vision for mutually beneficial and accountable partnerships, strengthens relational ties, and integrates partnership evaluation.
Enclosure Evaluation Report
File Attachment:
9856 STEM Endorsement Courses Evaluation Report signed.pdf
Summary: WHEREAS, proposals were electronically received on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 after public advertisement for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Endorsement Courses. Request for proposals were issued to three (3) vendors with one (1) vendor responding; and WHEREAS, the Newark Board of Education desires add-on endorsement courses, alternate route teacher certification courses, and shortage area alternate route teacher certification courses; and WHEREAS, the contract term is June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2026 with an option to renew for one (1) successive two (2) year period; and WHEREAS, the recommendation for award of term contract has been reviewed and approved by Carlos Reyes, Director of Recruitment.
Funding : Subject to the availability of funds. 20-20-xxx-xxx-320-xxx-xxx-xxx 15-15-xxx-xxx-320-xxx-xxx-xxx 10-11-xxx-xxx-320-xxx-xxx-xxx
Recommendation to the Board: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Newark Board of Education accepts and approves the award of term contract for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Endorsement Courses for a term commencing June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2026 with an option to renew for one (1) successive two (2) year period as follows: New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning Inc., Mahwah, NJ at a cost not to exceed $300,000.00
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Sherelle Spriggs - Senior Purchasing Manager
Signed By:
Ty-Shanique Addison - Principal Fiscal Analyst
Signed By:
Dr. Yolanda Mendez - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Valerie Wilson - School Business Administrator
Signed By:
Roger León - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Daniel Gonzalez Moved, Member Kanileah Anderson seconded to approve the Original motion 'NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Newark Board of Education accepts and approves the award of term contract for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Endorsement Courses for a term commencing June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2026 with an option to renew for one (1) successive two (2) year period as follows: New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning Inc., Mahwah, NJ at a cost not to exceed $300,000.00'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 8 - 0
Josephine Garcia     Yes
Dawn Haynes     Yes
Hasani Council     Yes
Vereliz Santana     Yes
Daniel Gonzalez     Yes
Crystal Williams     Yes
Allison K. James-Frison     Yes
Kanileah Anderson     Yes