Priority 5.2
5.2 Build and strengthen capacity across the district to provide an array of student support services and to continuously plan for,
implement, and evaluate student supports in schools and at the district level.
Priority 5.3
5.3 Implement prevention and early intervention strategies that include a full continuum of services to address the basic needs of all students in classrooms and schools in order to decrease the need for higher-level services.
Priority 5.6
5.6 Collaborate with community stakeholders to implement the Healthy and Ready to Learn Plan to ensure immunizations, physicals,
and other health and child development screenings are up to date, children are meeting developmental milestones, and early childhood needs are being addressed with high-quality interventions and care.
Priority 3.4
3.4 Establish an array of ongoing and diverse opportunities for staff, parents, students, and partners to plan for strategies to connect
learning to students’ lives and promote student learning in the community.